


Lời dẫn: Google.tienlang xin chân thành cảm ơn anh Robert Mugford- một người bạn Canada của chúng tôi trên G+ hiện đang sống tại Ottawa đã kịp thời dịch bài SADDAM HUSSEIN- NGƯỜI BẠN VÀ ÂN NHÂN CỦA VIỆT NAM của chúng tôi từ tiếng Việt sang tiếng Anh để phổ biến rộng rãi cho bạn bè quốc tế. Google.tienlang xin giới thiều bài SADDAM HUSSEIN- NGƯỜI BẠN VÀ ÂN NHÂN CỦA VIỆT NAM này trong phiên bản tiếng Anh do anhRobert Mugford chuyển ngữ. 

Narration: Google.tienlang like to introduce to you this message to Nguyen Thi Binh- Vice President in her memoir, "Family, friends and country."

... A few months later, I am with you Nguyen Co Thach and some comrades to visit Mexico, Venezuela ... to study the possibility of oil exploitation. Following liberation, the first concern is to make enough rice for the people, the second is the oil concerns. Cooperation between Vietnam and the Soviet Union for oil begins here. But the immediate need to borrow to service oil economic activities, military and people's lives.

May 10/1975, I went to visit some Arab countries with the mission "to borrow oil". Union only three people, me, Mr. Truc at the Government Office and comrade interpreter. We went to Algeria, Libya, Iraq. Consequently borrow some oil for immediate use with preferential rate. But you are very enthusiastic about Vietnam, but go into the economy, it was not easy.
Iraq trip left me a profound memories. At the time, Saddam Hussein (1937-2006; President of Iraq from 1979-2003) was the Vice President, but by public opinion as a "hero" in Iraq. When he heard we present urgent request of Vietnam, he answered immediately: "We have decided to give Vietnam 400 thousand tons of oil and 1.5 million tonnes loan with preferential interest rates. I heard that did not believe in his ears, asked Comrade new translator sure that is true. We are very touched by your heart in Iraq. Later when Iraq under embargo, to change the oil for food, for you still Vietnam the trade agreement is very favorable, while we still have more economic difficulties.


In 2002, the last time I went to Iraq to resolve the prolonged debt over 20 years we still have not paid. In the opinion of the comrades in government, we offer to transfer the amount due to the amount of capital invested in an economic project in Vietnam. When I met Mr. Saddam Hussein presented this idea, he laughed, saying it now: "The Vietnam you should not bother. I know you guys are tough, we see this as the debt was paid." It touched to know that in time the Iraq embargo, difficulties piled on the surface.
The situation in Iraq to date developments happen, we all know. US President George W. Bush launched the Iraq war hit the grounds that Saddam Hussein had ties with terrorist forces of Al-Queda and stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. Practice has proved that the evil lies, fake excuses USA had set up to carry out their selfish designs. Saddam Hussein had nothing wrong in internal and external relations, have sin with His people, Iraqi history will judge. But for Vietnam, I think we are grateful for his valuable assistance in Vietnam last year out of the war ".
Nguyen Thi Binh, former Deputy Chairman of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

  (Family, friends and country, Knowledge Publishing House, Hanoi, 2012, pp 195-196) (Text by Google.tienlang put) 
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